fresh #BruitBrut
Things Gone, Things Going Away
Fresh Unruly Beast – manipulated field recordings composed for Barbara Adler‘s touring Speakers.
Album link includes the original field recordings.
This project made extensive use of the fantastic Forester tool by Leafcutter John.
Field Recording
Most of the most important things are things we rarely notice.
The continual living action of everything in the world around us holds an endless music.
THRUMS – live manipulation of the act of weaving on a 4 shaft counterbalance loom
Ash in the Time of Ash – live manipulation of a recording of the act of cleaning a domestic woodstove in preparation for the onset of winter
Field 3 – manipulated field recordings from Good Earth Farm
Kandy Traces – reimagined sounds of a busy intersection in Sri Lanka
Sonification Experiments
A scanline moves across the moving image and the pixel values drive banks of tuned oscillators. Signal values are used to drive brightness/contrast/saturation parameters on the video feed. Effect chains on the oscillator banks are likewise altered by the parameters of the sound, which feeds back into the video.
Bruit Brut
Recent noisy noise for troubled times and uncertain futures
Shapes in Space
by composer Sabina Covarrubias
glitch and dub radio
with the Zahir
Mangled sonics, thumping, and the sweet tones of the tanpura swarmandal.